A Smarter Home for a Smarter Generation: Meenu Agarwal, MADS Creations.

The concept of home automation has made life immensely easier for working professionals who don’t have much time to look into mundane things of daily life. With automation, they know that their home is secure and safe. They can switch on their AC to cool their homes before they reach, keep hot water ready for a shower as the heating system can be integrated into the control panel. They can set mood lighting and music play-list of their choice so that they can enter the comfort zone immediately after stepping inside the house. All of this they can do on the way back home, using their smartphone or tab.

 “Today everyone is looking at making life easier by employing better technology. Since people are spending more time at home now, their responsibilities have increased, and they will look for ways to reduce routine tasks”, says Meenu Agarwal, Founder & Interior Designer, MADS Creations.

Why do you think the concept of smart homes is gaining popularity quite rapidly these days? 

The convenience it adds to our hectic and complex lives is admirable indeed. Also, technology is influencing our life at various levels. And this was bound to happen. Not only does the concept of smart homes make life easy for us and save time, but it also reduces utility bills by reducing electricity usage.

What kind of consumer group are opting for it the most?

 It is mostly the newer generation and affluent section of convenience seekers who are going for smart home automation. Since they are already using technology for various purposes, they don’t hesitate to try out something new if it adds value to their life. They are well aware of the options that are there, and they want to use them.

What according to you are the must-have smart home products in today’s contemporary homes?

 Smart home products like Amazon Echo, Google Nest Hub, Sonos One, Arlo Ultra security camera, RemoBell S video camera that lets you monitor and record all front door activity in real-time, etc.

Products of which category (lighting, security, entertainment etc.) witness maximum demand when it comes to integrating smart home products while doing the interiors? Why?

 The lighting and entertainment segment allows for greater technological convenience when integrated with automation. You can change the mood of the room by touching a few buttons on your smartphone or remote. Also, you could create a truly magical entertainment scene with the help of automated control of lighting, audio and home theatre systems. And of course, security is more common in the form of surveillance cameras, video doorbells, motion detectors, etc.

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