Glimpse Of An Automated Luxurious Interior.

Designed By:

 Ar. Riddhi Shah, Principal Architect at ADL – Advance Designs N Lifestyle

Home automation systems are gaining traction across the globe due to their various advantages. In home security, automation systems notify the users about intruders and activities at their homes, which in turn aids in preventing potential crimes. They also help in minimizing energy consumption and increasing operational efficiency. 

“There is now at least one element of automation built into the system in almost everything we see, experience, and use.” – From Pranjal Sharma’s book ‘India Automated’

The impact of all the technologies such as AI, drones, blockchain, augmented and virtual reality is the visible rise of automation in India. This shift is not about saving costs, but about getting better and real-time insights into internal operations. We live in an era of not just information overload but also instant information. So, Phrases like the internet of things (IoT) are used liberally, but their real impact is on the information that they generate. 

Just to sum it up for us as architects & designers who play an integral part in creating all the home & work environments we need to start considering automation as one of the mandatory core services just like we do for MEP in all our projects. 

The Scope of Work

A huge residence Mansion of 40000 sq. ft. is set on a 10-acre property with various amenities. As the space is huge for the limited number of occupants, they wanted a hassle-free experience where the entire property’s lighting & landscape watering could be maintained with a click of a button.

The Client’s Vision

 The client wanted automation but only to the extent where it does not make the users lazy and interrupts daily chores. The Architects involved busted the myth that automation makes an individual lazy. Instead, they explained to the client how home automation creates experiences that aid in using time more productively, including other benefits such as energy-saving, ease of operations & security management. 

 Design, Planning & Execution Phase

An automation consultant was brought on board, right from the initial conceptualization. Working together the design achieved was an efficient, cost-effective solution for the project. The final design met all the minute requirements of the client.

Automations Integrated  

For this project, lighting, HVAC, curtains, a few windows, and the AV system were integrated into an automation system. A variety of brands were evaluated and shortlisted before finalizing. The criteria for the selection of the brands was their innovative and user-friendly solutions. Once the final system was selected, a system integrator assisted in optimizing the overall design and costs, making the entire process go smoothly.

Challenges Faced

There were a lot of speculations from the client’s friends & family which led to doubts at various stages of the project. The Architects guided the client convincingly throughout the execution of this project.
The lack of knowledge of the general public in terms of wired automation & wireless automation, understanding the monetary gap creates difficulty for consultants trying to offer the best solutions. A wide variety of automation brands are available in the market, and they can be overwhelming for new clients.

Eventual Outcomes 

Home automation has come a long way, practically everything one can imagine to automate in a home is now possible. With learning and experience, a high-tech home is an easy possibility for everyone.

Client’s Feedback 

The client was happy & satisfied with the automation experience. They overcame their doubts and now enjoy home automation. The client continues to work with the system integrator to make modifications.

 Final Takeaway

Education and awareness are required across all generations for the acceptance of automation. People of all ages have become accustomed to smartphones at a certain level, convincing them for automation won’t be difficult. With the help of appropriate avenues, consumers will have a healthy knowledge and perception of home automation.

Today 8 out of every 10 clients prefer automation to be included in their homes & workspaces. People are ready to spend on lifestyle, but society at large should first understand its benefits and they will embrace the digital transformation in the residences.

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