Ajax Systems Launches Smart Air Monitor

Ajax Systems debuts LifeQuality, a smart air quality monitor that combines medical-grade measurement accuracy and professional security technologies. The device provides users with data on carbon dioxide pollution, temperature, and humidity level and helps automate appliances according to these indicators.

“Many studies prove that carbon dioxide levels strongly affect the brain’s functioning. In particular, productivity. For example, a high concentration of CO2 can reduce the speed of mental activity by 60% and the ability to make complex decisions by 50%. So the problem is clear: bad air kills productivity. It has been tested in schools, offices and even on the space station. We saw a new challenge in it. We saw an opportunity to combine security and comfort.”Max Melnyk, Device Department R&D Director, Ajax Systems

LifeQuality is explicitly designed for building an extensive air quality monitoring system. The monitor is equipped with an accelerometer, notifying of moving it to another location, and the SmartBracket, helping to easily mount it on the wall in every room or office. LifeQuality works on a battery for up to three years, so there is no need for a power outlet in the place of installation.

Medical-grade Measurement Accuracy

LifeQuality uses industry-leading sensors to indicate the most accurate data on the ambient environment. The monitor is packed with sensors that are used in professional medical equipment. Sunrise from Senseair is a non-dispersive infrared sensor that directly measures carbon dioxide concentration. Unlike VOC sensors, this type of sensor indicates actual and precise CO2 data regardless of pollutants in the air, like aerosols and steam.

SHT40 from Sensirion is an industrial-grade digital sensor platform for measuring relative humidity and temperature. An integrated heater allows for advanced on-board diagnostics while the sensor element is designed for harsh conditions such as condensing environments. SHT40 ensures up to ±0.2°C accuracy.

But Ajax engineers went even further and placed the sensor as far as possible from the device electronics. So now, when using LifeQuality, an Ajax system will display its indicators in the room parameters because of the most precise data.

The air quality indicators are displayed in the Ajax App alongside information on security and automation devices. Thanks to the Ajax Cloud server, security system users can access data from anywhere. The indicators are accompanied by charts containing the history for several days, a week, a month, or even a year, helping to understand air quality dynamics. Push notifications give systems users instant awareness of environmental changes according to set thresholds.

When set thresholds are exceeded, the Ajax App sends a notification.

Due to the in-built memory, LifeQuality can be used to measure the air quality in other locations, for instance, a garage, kindergarten, and relatives’ houses. Even without communication with an Ajax hub, the monitor stores data for three days. When the connection is restored, all data is uploaded to the hub, and users can view it in the app.

Aside from the App, the device LED indicator instantly reports carbon dioxide levels. A user just has to tap the Ajax logo. It glows yellow, red, or purple if the concentration of CO2 exceeds the set norm.

For example, Ajax will turn on the ventilation when the set threshold of CO2 is exceeded, or the heaters when the temperature drops below the set value, or the humidifier when the humidity level does not correspond to a comfortable level.

The automation scenarios are set up on-site and remotely in the Ajax App.

For More Details: https://ajax.systems/blog/air-monitoring-with-lifequality/

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