NETGEAR® the leader in advanced networking technologies for homes, businesses, and service providers around the world, announced a strategic collaboration with Samsung Electronics’ System LSI Business to help create seamless interoperability and roaming between NETGEAR Business Wi-Fi 7 access points and Samsung’s WiFi 7 client chipset solution.
In environments with multiple mobile devices all needing to get online at any time, one of the biggest issues to solve is Wi-Fi roaming. Stationary devices that connect to one access point all the time don’t usually have a problem getting online, but users with cell phones, moving from one floor to another in an office building or from building to building on campus may experience some lag in connectivity as their phones disconnect from one access point and try to connect to the next. The problem is amplified in an auditorium, for example, where hundreds of users converge in one place and try to connect to the same access point all at once. This pain point, identified by NETGEAR and Samsung as a top priority, is bringing the two companies together to work on a solution.
NETGEAR, with nearly three decades of advanced networking expertise, has built a reputation for removing obstacles to connectivity and helping to provide a seamless experience. Patterned after the success of the NETGEAR AV team’s work with 300+ manufacturing partners to ensure seamless configuration for the industry’s most common AV platforms and protocols, the NETGEAR IT Business team is doing the same for their industry-leading WiFi 7 access points and Samsung’s WiFi 7 chipset solution.
“NETGEAR and Samsung were among the first companies to embrace Wi-Fi 7 with network access points and clients, respectively,” said Harsha Nagaraju, senior director of engineering for NETGEAR Business. “It’s in our mutual best interest for users to experience all of the high performance, low latency benefits of the technology with our products, and smooth roaming is essential to that experience.”
“Thanks to the successful interoperability testing between NETGEAR and Samsung, our WiFi 7 solutions will deliver users a continuous wireless experience with higher throughput and lower latency,” said Joonsuk Kim, executive vice president of the System LSI Connectivity Development Team at Samsung Electronics. “The latest Wi-Fi 7 technology in our chipset is designed to ensure seamless connectivity for mobile devices across a wide range of networks, including strong compatibility with NETGEAR’s network solutions.